Lettre conjointe de 1.080 parlementaires de 25 pays européens aux gouvernements et dirigeants européens contre l’annexion de la Cisjordanie par Israël


Nous, parlementaires de toute l’Europe engagés en faveur d’un ordre mondial fondé sur le droit international, partageons de vives inquiétudes concernant le plan du président Trump pour le conflit israélo-palestinien et la perspective d’une annexion israélienne du territoire de la Cisjordanie. Nous sommes profondément préoccupés par le précédent que cela créerait pour les relations internationales en général. 

Depuis des décennies, l’Europe promeut une solution juste au conflit israélo-palestinien sous la forme d’une solution à deux États, conformément au droit international et aux résolutions pertinentes du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Malheureusement, le plan du président Trump s’écarte des paramètres et des principes convenus au niveau international. Il favorise un contrôle israélien permanent sur un territoire palestinien fragmenté, laissant les Palestiniens sans souveraineté et donnant feu vert à Israël pour annexer unilatéralement des parties importantes de la Cisjordanie. 

Suivant la voie du plan Trump, la coalition israélienne récemment composée stipule que le gouvernement peut aller de l’avant avec l’annexion dès le 1er juillet 2020. Cette décision sera fatale aux perspectives de paix israélo-palestinienne et remettra en question les normes les plus fondamentales qui guident les relations internationales, y compris la Charte des Nations unies. 

Nous sommes profondément préoccupés par l’impact de l’annexion sur la vie des Israéliens et des Palestiniens ainsi que par son potentiel déstabilisateur dans la région aux portes de notre continent. Ces préoccupations ne sont pas moins graves à un moment où le monde est aux prises avec la pandémie de COVID-19, la plus grave urgence collective à laquelle nous ayons été confrontés depuis des décennies. 

En reconnaissance de l’engagement à long terme de l’Europe en faveur d’une résolution pacifique du conflit israélo-palestinien, nous demandons aux dirigeants européens d’agir avec détermination pour relever ce défi. L’Europe doit prendre l’initiative de réunir les acteurs internationaux pour prévenir l’annexion et pour préserver les perspectives de la solution à deux États et d’une juste résolution du conflit. 

Les représentants européens, dont le haut représentant de l’Union européenne Josep Borrell, ont déclaré que l’annexion “ne saurait se faire sans susciter de réactions”. Nous soutenons pleinement cette affirmation : l’acquisition de territoire par la force n’a pas sa place en 2020 et devrait avoir des conséquences proportionnelles. L’absence de réponse adéquate encouragerait d’autres États ayant des revendications territoriales à ne pas respecter les principes fondamentaux du droit international. L’ordre mondial fondé sur des règles est essentiel pour la stabilité et la sécurité à long terme de l’Europe. Nous avons un intérêt profond à le protéger et en portons la responsabilité. 

Une solution durable au conflit doit répondre aux aspirations légitimes et aux besoins de sécurité des Palestiniens et des Israéliens et garantir leur égalité de droits. L’Europe dispose des outils diplomatiques nécessaires pour promouvoir cela et nous sommes prêts à soutenir ces efforts. 

Nous vous prions d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs, 

Debbie Abrahams, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Malik Ben Achour, PS, Belgium 

Tina Acketoft, Liberal Party, Sweden 

Senator Fatima Ahallouch, PS, Belgium 

Lord Nazir Ahmed, Non-affiliated, United Kingdom 

Senator Alberto Airola, M5S, Italy 

Hussein al-Taee, Social Democratic Party, Finland 

Éric Alauzet, La République en Marche, France 

Patricia Blanquer Alcaraz, Socialist Party, Spain 

Lord John Alderdice, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Felipe Jesús Sicilia Alférez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Senator Alessandro Alfieri, PD, Italy 

François Alfonsi, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Amira Mohamed Ali, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Die Linke, Germany 

Rushanara Ali, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Tahir Ali, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Mahir Alkaya, Spokesperson for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Socialist Party, the Netherlands 

Senator Josefina Bueno Alonso, Socialist Party, Spain 

Lord David Alton of Liverpool, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Patxi López Álvarez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Nacho Sánchez Amor, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Luise Amtsberg, Green Party, Germany 

Senator Bert Anciaux, sp.a, Belgium 

Rt Hon Michael Ancram, the Marquess of Lothian, Former Chairman of the Conservative Party, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Karin Andersen, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Kirsten Normann Andersen, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Theresa Berg Andersen, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Rasmus Andresen, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Lord David Anderson of Ipswich QC, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Barry Andrews, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Ireland) 

Chris Andrews, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Eric Andrieu, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

Marc Angel, S&D, European Parliament (Luxembourg) 

Tonia Antoniazzi, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Cathy Apoureceau-Poly ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Catherine Ardagh, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Maria Arena, Chair of Subcommittee on Human Rights, S&D, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Paavo Arhinmäki, Left Alliance, Finland 

Rt Hon Baroness Hilary Armstrong of Hill Top, former Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Steinunn Þóra Árnadóttir, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 

Senator Éliane Assassi ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Mustafa Atici, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Åsmund Aukrust, Labour Party, Norway 

Clémentine Autain, La France Insoumise, France 

Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Party, Ireland 

Senator Joris Backer, D66, the Netherlands 

Christine Badertscher, Green, Switzerland 

Annalena Baerbock, Co-Leader of the German Green Party, Germany 

Ulrike Bahr, SPD, Germany 

Senator Sara Bailac, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Pilar Vallugera Balañà, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 

Hannah Bardell, SNP, United Kingdom 

Paula Barker, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Richard Boyd Barret, Party Leader People Before Profit, Ireland 

Angelo Barrile, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Dr. Dietmar Bartsch, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Die Linke, Germany 

André Pinotes Batista, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Prof. Stefania Prezioso Batou, Ensemble à Gauche, Switzerland 

Marc Baum, The Left, Luxembourg 

Margarete Bause, Party Spokesperson on Human Rights, Green Party, Germany 

Petra Bayr, Speaker on Development Cooperation, Social Democratic Party, Austria 

Lord Jeremy Beecham, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Tiziana Beghin, Non-attached Membert, European Parliament (Italy) 

Denis Begic, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Órfhlaith Begley, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Senator Esther Benbassa ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Dr. Samuel Bendahan, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Sandra Locher Benguerel, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Brando Benifei, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Rt Hon Hilary Benn, Former International Development Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Natalie Bennett of Manor Castle, Former Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, Green Party, United Kingdom 

Emma Berginger, Green Party, Sweden 

Erik Bergkvist, S&D, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Ugo Bernalicis, La France insoumise, France 

Djuna Bernard, Vice-President of the Green Party, Luxembourg 

Jan Bertels, sp.a, Belgium 

Anne Valentina Berthelsen, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Dieter Van Besien, Groen, Belgium 

Lord Richard Best, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Senator Sabine de Bethune, CD&V, Belgium 

Clive Betts, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Stijn Bex, Groen, Belgium 

Eva Biaudet, Swedish People’s Party SFP, Finland 

Robert Biedroń, S&D, European Parliament (Poland) 

Magdalena Biejat, Lewica, Poland 

Benoît Biteau, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Mhairi Black, SNP, United Kingdom 

Senator Frances Black, Independent, Ireland 

Rt Hon Ian Blackford, Westminster Leader, SNP, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Baroness Tessa Blackstone, Former Education Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Ľuboš Blaha, Direction - Social Democracy, Slovakia 

Ibán García del Blanco, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Niall Blaney, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Paul Blomfield, Shadow Minister for Brexit and EU Negotiations, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Maryvonne Blondin, Socialist and Republican, France 

Michael Bloss, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Baroness Christine Blower, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Crispin Blunt, Former Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee and Former Minister of State for Prisons, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Éric Bocquet ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Damian Boeselager, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Laura Boldrini, Former President of the Chamber of Deputies, PD, Italy 

Manuel Bompard, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (France) 

Marc Botenga, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Vlad-Marius Botoș, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Romania) 

Senator Laura Bottici, M5S, Italy 

Achraf Bouali, Spokesperson for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, D66, the Netherlands 

Senator Georges-Louis Bouchez, Party Leader, MR, Belgium 

Nabil Boukili, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Senator Martial Bourquin, Socialist and Republican, France 

Senator Michel Boutant, Socialist and Republican, France 

Gilles Boyer, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Senator Lynn Boylan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Tracy Brabin, Shadow Minister for Cultural Industries, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Lord William Bradshaw, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw, Former Middle East Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

John Brady, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Mickey Brady, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Dr. Helmut Brandstätter, Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, NEOS, Austria 

Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary Secretary of the Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Kathleen Van Brempt, S&D, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Leni Breymaier, SPD, Germany 

Dr. Milan Brglez, Former Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, S&D, European Parliament (Slovenia) 

Saskia Bricmont, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Baroness Sal Brinton, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Eoin Ó Broin, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Karin Brouwers, CD&V, Belgium 

Alan Brown, SNP, United Kingdom 

Lyn Brown, Shadow Minister for Prisons and Probation, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

James Browne, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Martin Browne, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Rt Hon Lord Malcolm Bruce of Bennachie, Former Chair of the International Development Select Committee, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Agnieszka Brugger, Deputy Chairperson of Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Senator Céline Brulin ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Alain Bruneel, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Sylvie Brunet, Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group, European Parliament (France) 

Karl-Heinz Brunner, SPD, Germany 

Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 

Senator Maurizio Buccarella, Mixed Group, Italy 

Pat Buckley, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Marie-George Buffet, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Birke Bull-Bischoff, Die Linke, Germany 

Udo Bullmann, S&D, European Parliament (Germany) 

Richard Burgon, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Delara Burkhardt, S&D, European Parliament (Germany) 

Gilles Vanden Burre, Ecolo, Belgium 

Johan Büser, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Reinhard Bütikofer, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Mary Butler, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Rt Hon Lord Robin Butler of Brockwell, Former Cabinet Secretary, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Kim Buyst, Groen, Belgium 

Ian Byrne, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Malcolm Byrne, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Rt Hon Liam Byrne, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Thomas Byrne, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Miguel Ángel González Caballero, Socialist Party, Spain 

Jackie Cahill, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Dara Calleary, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Anne Sophie Callesen, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Kristof Calvo, Chair of Ecolo-Groen Faction, Belgium 

Lord Ewen Cameron of Dillington, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord Menzies Campbell of Pittenweem QC, Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Pascal Canfin ; Chair of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Former Minister of Development ; Renew Europe ; European Parliament (France) 

Dan Carden, Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Damien Carême, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Lord Alexander Carlile of Berriew CBE QC, Former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael, Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Former Scotland Secretary, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Astrid Carøe, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Valérie Piller Carrard, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Lord Rupert Carrington, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Matt Carthy, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Isabel Carvalhais, S&D, European Parliament (Portugal) 

Ana Belén Fernández Casero, Assistant Secretary General of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, Socialist Party, Spain 

Pat Casey, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Shane Cassells, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Non-attached Membert, European Parliament (Italy) 

Senator Laura Castel, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Zaida Cantera de Castro, Socialist Party, Spain 

Anna Cavazzini, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Leïla Chaibi, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (France) 

Baroness Lynda Chalker of Wallasey, former Foreign Office Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Wendy Chamberlain, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Jack Chambers, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Lisa Chambers, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Sarah Champion, Chair of the International Development Select Committee, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Julie Chanson, Ecolo, Belgium 

Bambos Charalambous, Shadow Minister for Crime Reduction and Courts, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

André Chassaigne, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Joanna Cherry QC, SNP, United Kingdom 

Rt Rev the Lord Bishop of Southwark, Christopher Chessun, United Kingdom 

Dr. Isabelle Chevalley, Vice-President of the Green Liberal Party, Switzerland 

Rt Hon Lord David Chidgey, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Senator Fourat Ben Chikha, Groen, Belgium 

Lucia Ciampi, PD, Italy 

Sorca Clarke, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Sven Clement, Pirate Party, Luxembourg 

Rt Hon Lord Timothy Clement-Jones, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Prof. Christophe Clivaz, Green, Switzerland 

Rt Rev the Lord Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth, United Kingdom 

Samuel Cogolati, Ecolo, Belgium 

Senator Laurence Cohen ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Gaby Colebunders, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Joan Collins, Independents 4 Change, Ireland 

Niall Collins, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Pierre-Yves Collombat ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Senator Hélène Conway-Mouret, Socialist and Republican, France 

Rose Conway-Walsh, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Éric Coquerel, La France Insoumise, France 

Alexis Corbière, La France Insoumise, France 

Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn, Former Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

David Cormand, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Ignazio Corrao, Non-attached Member, European Parliament (Italy) 

Patrick Costello, Green Party, Ireland 

Senator Philippe Courard, PS, Belgium 

Barry Cowen, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Neil Coyle, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Andrea Cozzolino, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Senator Gerard Craughwell, Independent, Ireland 

Senator Stefania Gabriella Anastasia Craxi, Forza Italia, Italy 

Barbara Creemers, Groen, Belgium 

Réada Cronin, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Dr. Brigitte Crottaz, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Cathal Crowe, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Ollie Crowe, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Seán Crowe, Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Trade, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Yves Cruchten, President of the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party - LSAP, Luxembourg 

John Cryer, Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Katalin Cseh, Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group, European Parliament (Hungary) 

Ciarán Cuffe, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Ireland) 

Éamon Ó Cuív, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Cécile Cukierman ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

David Cullinane, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Inés Granollers Cunillera, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Alex Cunningham, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Rosa D’Amato, Non-attached Member, European Parliament (Italy) 

Roberto D’Amico, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Senator Jos D’Haese, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Rt Hon Baroness D’Souza CMG, Former Lord Speaker at the House of Lords, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Greet Daems, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Sevim Dağdelen, Party Spokesperson on Disarmament, Die Linke, Germany 

Lucía Muñoz Dalda, Unidas Podemos, Spain 

Georges Dallemagne, cdH, Belgium 

Jakop Dalunde, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Mark Daly, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Pa Daly, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Paul Daly, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Maria Dantas, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Senator Ronan Dantec, European Democratic and Social Rally, France 

Senator Yves Daudigny, Socialist and Republican, France 

Rt Hon Sir Edward Davey, Acting Leader, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Wayne David, Shadow Middle East Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Aidan Davitt, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Martyn Day, SNP, United Kingdom 

Severine De Laveleye, Ecolo, Belgium 

Denis de la Reussille, Swiss Party of Labour, Switzerland 

Fabio De Masi, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Die Linke, Germany 

Dr. Daniela De Ridder, Deputy Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee, SPD, Germany 

Petra de Sutter, Chair of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Wouter De Vriendt, Groen, Belgium 

Steven De Vuyst, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Dr. Diether Dehm, Die Linke, Germany 

Karina Lorentzen Dehnhardt, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Jean-Marc Delizée, PS, Belgium 

Karima Delli, Chair of Committee on Transport and Tourism, Greens, European Parliament (France) 

Senator Kurt Deloor, sp.a, Belgium 

Senator Mark Demesmaeker, N-VA, Belgium 

Senator Rodrigue Demeuse, Ecolo, Belgium 

Özlem Alev Demirel, Vice-Chair of Subcommittee on Security and Defence, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 

Melissa Depraetere, sp.a, Belgium 

Lord Meghnad Desai, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Cormac Devlin, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Pierre Dharréville, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Boris Dittrich, D66, the Netherlands 

Senator Philippe Dodrimont, MR, Belgium 

Pearse Doherty, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Adrian Octavian Dohotaru, Independent, Romania 

Paul Donnelly, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Stephen Donnelly, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Allan Dorans, SNP, United Kingdom 

Katja Dörner, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Jacqueline Dubois, La République en Marche, France 

Lord Alf Dubs, Former Northern Ireland Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Jean-Paul Dufrègne, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Frédérique Dumas, Liberties and Territories, France 

Laurence Dumont, Socialists, France 

Senator Jérôme Durain, Socialist and Republican, France 

Pascal Durand, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Pia Olsen Dyhr, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Chair, Former Minister of Trade and Investments and Transport, Denmark 

Kurt Egger, Green, Switzerland 

Yana Chiara Ehm, M5S, Italy 

Petter Eide, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Logi Einarsson, Chairman of the Social Democratic Alliance, Iceland 

Uffe Elbæk, Independent, Former Minister of Culture, Denmark 

Gloria Elizo, Third Vice President of the Congress of Deputies, Unidas Podemos, Spain 

Julie Elliott, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Dessie Ellis, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Stéphanie Empain, Green Party, Luxembourg 

Janine Alm Ericson, Spokesperson for Foreign Relations, Green Party, Sweden 

Åsa Eriksson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Nadia Essayan, Democratic Movement, France 

Erik Ezelius, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Yasmin Fahimi, SPD, Germany 

Tanja Fajon, S&D, European Parliament (Slovenia) 

Elisabeth Falkhaven, Green Party, Sweden 

Mairéad Farrell, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Laurence Farreng, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Angelo Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Labour, Malta 

Stephen Farry, Deputy Leader Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom 

Stefano Fassina, Liberi e Uguali, Italy 

Elsa Faucillon, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, France 

Aylin Fazelian, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Seán Ó Fearghail, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Marion Fellows, SNP, United Kingdom 

María Isaura Leal Fernández, Chair of the Committee on Justice, Socialist Party, Spain 

Giuseppe Ferrandino, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Senator Gianluca Ferrara, M5S, Italy 

Margaret Ferrier, SNP, United Kingdom 

Caroline Fiat, La France Insoumise, France 

Senator Martine Filleul, Socialist and Republican, France 

John Finucane, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Beat Flach, Green - Liberal, Switzerland 

André Flahaut, PS, Belgium 

Joe Flaherty, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Sean Fleming, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Eva Flyvholm, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Norma Foley, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Lotta Johnsson Fornarve, Left Party, Sweden 

Kenneth G Forslund, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Rt Rev, the Lord Bishop of Portsmouth, Christopher Foster, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord Don Foster of Bath, Former Communities and Local Government Minister, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Vicky Foxcroft, Shadow Disability Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Cindy Franssen, EPP, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Senator André Frédéric, PS, Belgium 

Dr. Claudia Friedl, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Niels Fuglsang, S&D, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Kathleen Funchion, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Tamara Funiciello, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Sylvia Gabelmann, Die Linke, Germany 

Mario Galea, Partit Nazzjonalista, Malta 

Robbie Gallagher, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Iratxe García-Pérez, President of the S&D Group, European Parliament (Spain) 

Maria Gardfjell, Green Party, Sweden 

Rt Hon Lord Edward Garnier QC, Former Solicitor General, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Paul Gavan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Fabien Gay ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Kai Gehring, Green Party, Germany 

Stefan Gelbhaar, Green Party, Germany 

Anne Genetet, La République en Marche, France 

Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Michelle Gildernew, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Georges Gilkinet, Ecolo, Belgium 

Preet Kaur Gill, Shadow International Development Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Alicia Homs Ginel, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Diana Riba i Giner, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Spain) 

Joël Giraud, La République en Marche, France 

Raphaël Glucksmann, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

Lord David Goddard, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Lord Peter Goldsmith QC, Former Attorney General, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Julio Navalpotro Gómez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Senator Guillaume Gontard ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Mónica Silvana González, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Daria Gosek-Popiolek, Lewica, Poland 

Jette Gottlieb, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Baroness Mary Goudie, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Thomas Gould, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Nathalie Goulet, Centrist Union, France 

Sandro Gozi, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Gusty Graas, Democratic Party - DP, Luxembourg 

Luís Graça, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Lord Michael Grade of Yarmouth, former Chairman of the BBC, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Patrick Grady, SNP, United Kingdom 

Richard Graham, Chair of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Adelina Escandell Grases, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Senator Michelle Gréaume ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Lord Tony Greaves, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Lord Andrew Green of Deddington, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Lilian Greenwood, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Markéta Gregorová, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Czech Republic) 

Chiara Gribaudo, PD, Italy 

Reverend Lord Leslie Griffiths of Burry Port, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord Bruce Grocott, Former Government Chief Whip in the House of Lords, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Claude Gruffat, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Erhard Grundl, Green Party, Germany 

Elisabetta Gualmini, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Alfredo Sancho Guardia, Socialist Party, Spain 

Francisco Guerreiro, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Portugal) 

Bernard Guetta, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

María Guijarro, Spokesperson for Development Cooperation, Socialist Party, Spain 

Sylvie Guillaume, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

Johnny Guirke, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 

Björn Leví Gunnarsson, Pirate Party, Iceland 

Marina Carobbio Guscetti, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Elin Gustafsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Jytte Guteland, S&D, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Helena Caballero Gutiérrez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Andrew Gwynne, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Barbara Gysi, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Dr. Gregor Gysi, Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Die Linke, Germany 

Bertel Haarder ; Liberal Party (Venstre); Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee ; Former Minister of Internal Affairs, Education, Culture, among other ministerial positions ; Denmark 

Robert Habeck, Co-leader of the German Green Party, Germany 

Senator Pippa Hackett PhD, Green Party, Ireland 

Louise Haigh, Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord Peter Hain ; Former Northern Ireland Secretary, Wales Secretary, and Middle East Minister ; Labour Party ; United Kingdom 

Anja Hajduk, Deputy Chairperson of Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Per-Arne Håkansson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Lars Haltbrekken, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Fabian Hamilton, Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Thomas Hammarberg, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Brahim Hammouche, Democratic Movement, France 

Baroness Sally Hamwee, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Claire Hanna, Social Democratic & Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord David Hannay of Chiswick, Former Foreign Office Permanent Representative to the UN and the EU, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Heike Hänsel, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Die Linke, Germany 

Christophe Hansen, EPP, European Parliament (Luxembourg) 

Svein Roald Hansen, Labour Party, Norway 

Camilla Hansén, Green Party, Sweden 

Neale Hanvey, SNP, United Kingdom 

Bryndís Haraldsdóttir, Deputy Speaker of Althingi, Independence Party, Iceland 

Baroness Angela Harris, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Lord Toby Harris of Haringey, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Satu Hassi, Chairperson of the Grand Committee, Green Party, Finland 

Seán Haughey, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Heidi Hautala, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Finland) 

Lord Alan Haworth of Fisherfield, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Helen Hayes, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Baroness Helene Hayman, Former Lord Speaker at the House of Lords, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Chris Hazzard, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC, Former Solicitor General, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon John Healey, Shadow Secretary of State for Defence, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Raoul Hedebouw, Chair of PVDA-PTB Faction, Belgium 

Gabriela Heinrich, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, SPD, Germany 

Drew Hendry, SNP, United Kingdom 

Lord John Hendy QC, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Antoine Hermant, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Dr. Eva Herzog, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Senator Alice Mary Higgins, Independent, Ireland 

Mike Hill, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Dame Margaret Hodge, Former Universities Minister and Former Children’s Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Fiona Hodgson of Abinger CBE, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Sharon Hodgson, Shadow Minister for Veterans, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Soetkin Hoessen, Groen, Belgium 

Senator Annie Hoey, Labour Party, Ireland 

Dr. Anton Hofreiter, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Kate Hollern, Shadow Minister for Local Government, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Sheila Clare Hollins, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Jens Holm, Left Party, Sweden 

Pär Holmgren, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Rt Rev, the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Nicholas Holtham, United Kingdom 

Karsten Hønge, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Veronika Honkasalo, Left Alliance, Finland 

Meira Hot, Social Democrats, Slovenia 

Neasa Hourigan, Green Party, Ireland 

Rt Hon Lord Michael Howard of Lympne CH, QC, Former Leader of the Conservative Party, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Lord Howell of Guildford, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Brendan Howlin, Labour Party, Ireland 

Andrej Hunko, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group, Party Spokesperson on European Policy, Die Linke, Germany 

Baptiste Hurni, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Imran Hussain, Shadow Minister for Employment Rights and Protections, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Peder Hvelplund, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Henning Hyllested, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Lord Raymond Hylton, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Evin Incir, S&D, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Rt Rev, the Lord Bishop of Worcester, John Inge, United Kingdom 

Julio Del Valle de Iscar, Socialist Party, Spain 

Yannick Jadot, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Dieter Janecek, Green Party, Germany 

Baroness Barbara Janke, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Beat Jans, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Caroline Janvier, La République en Marche, France 

Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Ulla Jelpke, Die Linke, Germany 

Marianne Jelved, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Former Minister of Economy and Culture, Denmark 

Karin Jiroflée, sp.a, Belgium 

Ola Johansson, Centre Party, Sweden 

Dame Diana Johnson, Former Education Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Kim Johnson, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Judith Jolly, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Senator Bernard Jomier, Socialist and Republican, France 

Bruno Joncour, Democratic Movement, France 

Rt Hon David Jones, Former Wales Secretary and Brexit Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Jenny Jones of Moulsecoomb, Green Party, United Kingdom 

Susana Sumelzo Jordán, Chair of the Committee on the European Union, Socialist Party, Spain 

Jan E. Jørgensen, Liberal Party (Venstre), Denmark 

Irena Joveva, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Slovenia) 

Régis Juanico, Socialists, France 

Rt Hon Lord Frank Judd, Former Foreign Office Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Christian Juhl, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Hubert Julien-Laferrière ; Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity ; France 

Sébastien Jumel, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Senator Patrick Kanner, President of the Socialist and Republican Group at the Senate, France 

Sadet Karabulut, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Socialist Party, the Netherlands 

Senator Farah Karimi, GreenLeft, the Netherlands 

Mikko Kärnä, Centre Party, Finland 

Kari Elisabeth Kaski, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Senator Claudine Kauffmann, unregistered, France 

Juho Kautto, Left Alliance, Finland 

Uwe Kekeritz, Party Spokesperson on Cooperation and Development, Green Party, Germany 

Billy Kelleher, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Ireland) 

Ska Keller, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament (Germany) 

Alan Kelly, Leader of the Irish Labour Party, Ireland 

Baroness Helena Kennedy of The Shaws QC, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Martin Kenny, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Yannick Kerlogot, La République en Marche, France 

Claire Kerrane, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Éric Kerrouche, Socialist and Republican, France 

Dr. Achim Kessler, Die Linke, Germany 

Katja Keul, Green Party, Germany 

Afzal Khan, Shadow Deputy Leader of the Commons, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Zakia Khattabi, Ecolo, Belgium 

Ruben Kidde, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Rt Hon Lord John Kilclooney, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Kimmo Kiljunen, Social Democratic Party, Finland 

Rt Hon Lord Neil Kinnock, Former Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, Former Vice President of the European Commision, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Stephen Kinnock, Shadow Minister for Asia and Pacific, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Katja Kipping, Die Linke, Germany 

Meryame Kitir, Chair of sp.a Faction, Belgium 

Mai Kivelä, Left Alliance, Finland 

Cansel Kiziltepe, SPD, Germany 

Pau Marí Klose, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress of Deputies, Socialist Party, Spain 

Rt Hon Lord Jim Knight of Weymouth, former Minister for Schools and Learning, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Ewa Kołodziej, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Maciej Konieczny, Lewica, Poland 

Anna Kontula, Left Alliance, Finland 

František Kopřiva, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 

Sylvia Kotting-Uhl ; Chairperson of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety ; Green Party ; Germany 

Alice Kuhnke, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Sweden) 

Johan Kvarnström, Social Democratic Party, Finland 

Merja Kyllönen, Left Alliance, Finland 

Senator Joël Labbé, European Democratic and Social Rally, France 

Bastien Lachaud, La France Insoumise, France 

Christophe Lacroix, PS, Belgium 

John Lahart, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Ben Lake, Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales, United Kingdom 

Aurore Lalucq, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

François-Michel Lambert, Liberties and Territories, France 

Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Senator Annick Lambrecht, sp.a, Belgium 

Senator Élisabeth Lamure, The Republicans, France 

Katrin Langensiepen, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Nahima Lanjri, CD&V, Belgium 

Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Mohamed Laqhila, Democratic Movement, France 

Michel Larive, La France Insoumise, France 

Pierre Larrouturou, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

Dag Larsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Hillevi Larsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Philippe Latombe, Democratic Movement, France 

Senator Pierre Laurent ; Vice-President of the Commission of Foreign Affairs and Defense ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Ian Lavery, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

James Lawless, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Adrián Vázquez Lázara, Chair of Committee on Legal Affairs, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 

Senator Jean-Yves Leconte, Socialist Party, France 

Jean-Paul Lecoq, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Lord John Lee of Trafford, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Sven Lehmann, Green Party, Germany 

Senator Xoaquín Fernández Leiceaga, Socialist Party, Spain 

Sabine Leidig, Die Linke, Germany 

Senator Laure Lekane, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Steffi Lemke, Parliamentary Secretary of the Parliamentary Group, Green Party, Germany 

Senator Laurent Léonard, PS, Belgium 

Senator Claudine Lepage, Socialist Party, France 

Senator Joan Lerma, Socialist Party, Spain 

Christian Levrat, President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Emma Lewell-Buck, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Clive Lewis, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Lord Roger Liddle, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Martin Lidegaard, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Chairman for the Foreign Policy Committee of the Danish Parliament, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark 

Stefan Liebich, Die Linke, Germany 

Senator Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, Socialist and Republican, France 

Teres Lindberg, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Stinus Lindgreen, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Dr. Tobias Lindner, Party Spokesperson on Security Policy, Green Party, Germany 

Jan Lipavský, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 

Baroness Ruth Lister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Tony Lloyd, Former Foreign Office Minister, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Pia Lohikoski, Left Alliance, Finland 

Nathalie Loiseau, Chair of Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Former Minister for European Affairs, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Lord Raj Loomba CBE, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Adriana Maldonado López, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Javi López, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Maribel García López, Socialist Party, Spain 

Tim Loughton, Former Children’s Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Caroline Lucas, Former Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, Green Party, United Kingdom 

César Luena, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Rosa Lund, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Rune Lund, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Kerstin Lundgren, Spokesperson for Foreign Relations, Centre Party, Sweden 

Audun Lysbakken, Leader of the Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Kenny MacAskill, Former Justice Secretary in the Scottish Government, SNP, United Kingdom 

Chris MacManus, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Ireland) 

Angus MacNeil, SNP, United Kingdom 

Marc MacSharry, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Shabana Mahmood, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Pierre-Yves Maillard, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Senator Alessandra Maiorino, M5S, Italy 

Jacques Maire, La République en Marche, France 

Pierfrancesco Majorino, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Seema Malhotra, Shadow Minister for Employment, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Magnus Manhammar, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Francesca La Marca, PD, Italy 

Catarina Marcelino, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Baroness Kishwer Falkner of Margravine, Non-affiliated, United Kingdom 

Charles Margue, Green Party, Luxembourg 

Senator Didier Marie, Socialist and Republican, France 

Senator Giovanni Marilotti, M5S, Italy 

Jacob Mark, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Erik Marquardt, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Ada Marra, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Min Li Marti, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Samira Marti, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Micheál Martin, Party Leader Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Javier de Lucas Martín, Socialist Party, Spain 

Senator France Masai, Ecolo, Belgium 

Rachel Maskell, Shadow Minister for Voluntary Sector and Charities, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Paul John Maskey, Sinn Féin, United Kingdom 

Chris Matheson, Shadow Minister for Media, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Christoph Matschie, SPD, Germany 

Paulina Matysiak, Lewica, Poland 

Senator Rachel Mazuir, Socialist and Republican, France 

Paul McAuliffe, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Elisha McCallion, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Kerry McCarthy, Shadow Minister for Green Transport, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Charlie McConalogue, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Andy McDonald, Shadow Employment Rights and Protections Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Mary Lou McDonald, President of Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Stewart McDonald, SNP, United Kingdom 

Stuart McDonald, SNP, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon John McDonnell, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Michael McDowell, Independent, Ireland 

Michael McGrath, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

John McGuinness, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Catherine McKinnell, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Anne McLaughlin, SNP, United Kingdom 

John McNally, SNP, United Kingdom 

Baroness Molly Meacher, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Ian Mearns, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Nora Mebarek, S&D, European Parliament (France) 

Karen Melchior, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, President of La France Insoumise Group at the National Assembly, France 

Lord Jon Mendelsohn, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Franck Menonville, European Democratic and Social Rally Group, France 

Sofie Merckx, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Peter Mertens, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Senator Michelle Meunier, Socialist and Republican, France 

Mattea Meyer, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Baroness Sue Miller of Chilthorne Domer, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Martina Michels, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 

Senator Alexander Miesen, MR, Belgium 

Navendu Mishra, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Aleksander Miszalski, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell, Former International Development Secretary, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Denise Mitchell, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Lord Parry Mitchell, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Falko Mohrs, SPD, Germany 

Paul Molac, Liberties and Territories, France 

Charlotte Broman Mølbæk, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Fabian Molina, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Ola Möller, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Carol Monaghan, SNP, United Kingdom 

Lord John Monks, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Layla Moran, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Jean-Baptiste Moreau, La République en Marche, France 

Isabel Moreira, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Vicent Manuel Sarrià Morell, Socialist Party, Spain 

Agustín Zamarrón Moreno, Socialist Party, Spain 

Alessandra Moretti, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Baroness Sally Morgan of Huyton, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Florence Morlighem, La République en Marche, France 

Grahame Morris, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Joana Mortágua, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal 

Nadia Moscufo, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Simon Moutquin, Ecolo, Belgium 

Niema Movassat, Die Linke, Germany 

Aindrias Moynihan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Michael Moynihan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Senator Rebecca Moynihan, Labour Party, Ireland 

Claudia Müller, Green Party, Germany 

Signe Munk, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Isabel García Muñoz, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Imelda Munster, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Martina Munz, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Alejandro Soler Mur, Socialist Party, Spain 

Ruairi Ó Murchú, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Catherine Murphy, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Eugene Murphy, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

James Murray, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Markus Mustajärvi, Left Alliance, Finland 

Johnny Mythen, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Sébastien Nadot ; Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity ; France 

Arne Nævra, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Lisa Nandy, Shadow Foreign Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Laila Naraghi, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Javier Nart, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 

Ged Nash, Labour Party, Ireland 

Zaklin Nastic, Party Spokesperson on Human Rights, Die Linke, Germany 

František Navrkal, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 

Samira Nawa, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Matjaž Nemec, Chair of the Intelligence and Security Oversight Commission, Social Democrats, Slovenia 

Senator Samuel Nemes, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Senator Riccardo Nencini, Italia Viva - PSI, Italy 

Dr. Ingrid Nestle, Green Party, Germany 

Baroness Julia Neuberger, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Hannah Neumann, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Rt Hon Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, Former Security and Counter Terrorism Minister and Former Chair of the British Joint Intelligence Committee, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord Dick Newby, Liberal Democrats Leader in the House of Lords, United Kingdom 

Gavin Newlands, SNP, United Kingdom 

Charlotte Nichols, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

John Nicolson, SNP, United Kingdom 

Sofie Carsten Nielsen, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Former Minister of Education and Science, Denmark 

Pyry Niemi, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Dietmar Nietan, SPD, Germany 

Thomas Nord, Die Linke, Germany 

Rickard Nordin, Centre Party, Sweden 

Roger Nordmann, President of the Social Democrat Group of the Swiss Parliament, Switzerland 

Rasmus Nordqvist, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Alex Norris, Shadow Minister for Public Health and Patient Safety, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator David Norris, Father of the House, Seanad, Independent, Ireland 

Rt Hon Baroness Lindsay Northovers, Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the House of Lords, Liberal Democrat, United Kingdom 

Eric Nussbaumer, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Darragh O’Brian, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Joe O’Brien, Green Party, Ireland 

Cian O’Callaghan, Social Democrats, Ireland 

Jim O’Callaghan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

James O’Connor, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Jennifer Murnane O’Connor, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Willie O’Dea, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Denis O’Donovan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Brendan O’Hara, SNP, United Kingdom 

Fiona O’Loughlin, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Louise O’Reilly, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Pauline O’Reilly, Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Trade, Green Party, Ireland 

Darren O’Rourke, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Christopher O’Sullivan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Grace O’Sullivan, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Ireland) 

Ned O’Sullivan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Pádraig O’Sullivan, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Lord Jonny Oates, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Danièle Obono, La France Insoumise, France 

Halime Oguz, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Carina Ohlsson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Riccardo Olgiati, M5S, Italy 

Begoña Nasarre Oliva, Socialist Party, Spain 

Kathrine Olldag, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Sarah Olney, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Jasenko Omanovic, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Younous Omarjee, Chair of Committee on Regional Development, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (France) 

Chi Onwurah ; Shadow Minister for Science, Labour Party, Research and Digital ; United Kingdom 

Daniel Senderos Oraá, Socialist Party, Spain 

Matteo Orfini, PD, Italy 

Matthieu Orphelin ; President of the Group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity ; France 

Kate Osamor, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Kate Osborne, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Morten Østergaard ; Social Liberal Party (De Radikale); Chair, Former Minister of Economy and Internal Affairs, Taxation, and Research and Innovation ; Denmark 

Senator Pierre Ouzoulias ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Taiwo Owatemi, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Sarah Owen, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Cem Özdemir, Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Green Party, Germany 

Aydan Özoğuz, SPD, Germany 

Alberto Pagani, PD, Italy 

Erasmo Palazzotto, Liberi e Uguali, Italy 

Mathilde Panot, La France Insoumise, France 

Isabelle Pasquier-Eichenberger, Green, Switzerland 

Luca Pastorino, Liberi e Uguali, Italy 

Rt Hon Lord Chris Patten of Barnes, Former Chairman of the Conservative Party and Former European Commissioner for External Affairs, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Jutta Paulus, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Germany) 

Lisa Paus, Green Party, Germany 

Mikuláš Peksa, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Czech Republic) 

Anne-Sophie Pelletier, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (France) 

Lord Thomas Pendry, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Mario Perantoni, M5S, Italy 

Ariagona González Pérez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Senator Marie-Françoise Pérol-Dumont, Socialist and Republican, France 

Kira Peter-Hansen, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Morten Helveg Petersen, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Rasmus Helveg Petersen, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Former Minister of Climate and Energy and International Development, Denmark 

Björn Petersson, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Senator Vito Rosario Petrocelli, Chairman Committee on Foreign Affairs and Emigration, M5S, Italy 

Baroness Kathryn Pinnock of Cleckheaton, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Tobias Pflüger, Deputy Head of the Party, Die Linke, Germany 

Jess Phillips, Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Bernat Picornell, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Giuditta Pini, PD, Italy 

Kati Piri, Vice-President Responsible for Foreign Affairs of S&D Group, European Parliament (the Netherlands) 

Giuliano Pisapia, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Paulo Pisco, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Lilianne Ploumen, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Labour Party, the Netherlands 

Dr. François Pointet, Green - Liberal, Switzerland 

Filiz Polat, Green Party, Germany 

Bérengère Poletti, Republicans, France 

Yasmine Posio, Left Party, Sweden 

Dominique Potier, Socialists, France 

Gerardo Pisarello Prados, First Secretary of the Congress of Deputies, Catalunya En Comú Podem, Spain 

Prof. Katharina Prelicz-Huber, Green, Switzerland 

Senator Angèle Préville, Socialist and Republican, France 

Thomas Pringle, Independent, Ireland 

Ondřej Profant, Pirate Party, Czech Republic 

Kolbeinn Óttarsson Proppé, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 

Loïc Prudhomme, La France Insoumise, France 

Senator Christine Prunaud ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Mar García Puig, Catalunya En Comú Podem, Spain 

Joan Josep Nuet Pujals, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Jon Pult, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

José Manuel Pureza, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal 

Lord Jeremy Purvis of Tweed, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Valentine Python, Green, Switzerland 

Lia Quartapelle, PD, Italy 

Adrien Quatennens, La France Insoumise, France 

Noemí Villagrasa Quero, First Secretary of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Socialist Party, Spain 

Rt Hon Baroness Joyce Quin, Former Minister for Europe, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Maurice Quinlivan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Alexandre Quintanilha, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Yasmin Qureshi, Shadow Minister for International Development, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Dr. Sascha Raabe, Party Spokesperson on Cooperation and Development, SPD, Germany 

Anne Rabbitte, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Fausto Raciti, PD, Italy 

María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Former Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Spain) 

Richard Ramos, Democratic Movement, France 

Senator Roberto Rampi, PD, Italy 

Søren Egge Rasmussen, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Paul Rechsteiner, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Lord Christopher Rennard, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Muriel Ressiguier, La France Insoumise, France 

Mathias Reynard, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Jonathan Reynolds, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Bernd Riexinger, Head of the Party, Die Linke, Germany 

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Labour Party, Ireland 

Dominique Riquet, Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group, European Parliament (France) 

Michèle Rivasi, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Franco Roberti, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Rt Hon Liz Saville Roberts, Westminster Leader, Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord George Robertson of Port Ellen, Former Defence Secretary and Secretary General of NATO, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Pedro Rodrigues, Partido Social Democrata, PSD, Portugal 

Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, Chair of Conference of Delegation Chairs, Former Secretary of State for Infrastructure and Planning, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Senator Gilbert Roger ; Vice-President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces ; Socialist and Republican ; France 

Jens Rohde, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Sophie Rohonyi, Défi, Belgium 

Enrique Santiago Romero, Spokesperson for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Unidas Podemos, Spain 

Caroline Roose, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Monika Rosa, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Tabea Rößner, Green Party, Germany 

Claudia Roth, Vice President of Bundestag, Green Party, Germany 

Franziska Roth, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Dr. Manuela Rottmann, Green Party, Germany 

Gwendal Rouillard, La République en Marche, France 

Fabien Roussel, Democratic and Republican Left Group, France 

Rt Hon Baroness Janet Royall of Blaisdon, Former Leader of the House of Lords and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Lynn Ruane, Independent, Ireland 

Eider Gardiazábal Rubial, S&D, European Parliament (Spain) 

Sabine Rubin, La France Insoumise, France 

Carmen Baños Ruiz, Socialist Party, Spain 

Esther Padilla Ruiz, Socialist Party, Spain 

Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Spain) 

María Luisa Vilches Ruiz, Socialist Party, Spain 

Yolanda Seva Ruiz, Socialist Party, Spain 

Senator Alessandro Ruotolo, Mixed Group, Italy 

Patricia Ryan, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Helene Ryckmans, Ecolo, Belgium 

Senator José Asensi Sabater, Socialist Party, Spain 

Sofia Sakorafa, Deputy Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, ΜέΡΑ25, Greece 

Alex Agius Saliba, S&D, European Parliament (Malta) 

Marta Rosique i Saltor, Spokesperson for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Pere Joan Pons Sampietro, Socialist Party, Spain 

Alfred Sant, S&D, European Parliament (Malta) 

Isabel Santos, S&D, European Parliament (Portugal) 

Jussi Saramo, Left Alliance, Finland 

Hanna Sarkkinen, Left Alliance, Finland 

Doriana Sarli, M5S, Italy 

Joan Margall Sastre, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Anna-Caren Sätherberg, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Mounir Satouri, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Hervé Saulignac, Socialists, France 

Senator Pascal Savoldelli ; Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist Group ; France 

Lucia Scanu, M5S, Italy 

Christel Schaldemose, S&D, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Senator Prof. Stefan Schennach, Social Democratic Party, Austria 

Andreas Schieder, S&D, European Parliament (Austria) 

Sarah Schlitz, Ecolo, Belgium 

Dr. Frithjof Schmidt, Green Party, Germany 

Stefan Schmidt, Green Party, Germany 

Helmut Scholz, GUE/NGL, European Parliament (Germany) 

Baroness Rosalind Scott of Needham Market, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Ursula Schneider Schüttel, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Ben Segers, sp.a, Belgium 

Stéphane Séjourné, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Andrew Selous, Second Church Estates Commissioner, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Matti Semi, Left Alliance, Finland 

Jean-Bernard Sempastous, La République en Marche, France 

Naz Shah, Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Virendra Sharma, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Baroness Shas Sheehan, International Development Spokesperson in the House of Lords, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Tommy Sheppard, SNP, United Kingdom 

Seán Sherlock, Labour Party, Ireland 

Senator Marie Sherlock, Labour Party, Ireland 

Sikandar Siddique, Independent, Denmark 

Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, Speaker of Althingi, Left-Green Movement, Iceland 

Sjoerd Wiemer Sjoerdsma, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, D66, the Netherlands 

Jonas Sjöstedt, Party Leader of the Left Party, Sweden 

Pernille Skipper, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Andy Slaughter, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Massimiliano Smeriglio, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Krzysztof Śmiszek, Lewica, Poland 

Brendan Smith, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Brid Smith, People Before Profit, Ireland 

Duncan Smith, Labour Party, Ireland 

Jeff Smith, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Niamh Smyth, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Linda Snecker, Left Party, Sweden 

Aengus Ó Snodaigh, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Pedro Filipe Soares, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal 

Alex Sobel, Shadow Minister for Tourism and Heritage, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Torstein Tvedt Solberg, Labour Party, Norway 

Lord Clive Soley, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Jakob Sølvhøj, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Carlo Sommaruga, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Søren Søndergaard, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Jessika Soors, Groen, Belgium 

Carla Sousa, Socialist Party, Portugal 

Zenia Stampe, Social-Liberal Party (De Radikale), Denmark 

Brian Stanley, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Chris Steenwegen, Groen, Belgium 

Chris Stephens, SNP, United Kingdom 

Franciszek Sterczewski, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Jo Stevens ; Shadow Digital, Culture, Media and Sports Secretary ; Labour Party ; United Kingdom 

Alois Stöger, Social Democratic Party, Austria 

Jamie Stone, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Annika Strandhäll, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Lord Paul Strasburger, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Wes Streeting, Shadow Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Dr. Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn, Green Party, Germany 

Tineke Strik, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (the Netherlands) 

Ina Strøjer-Schmidt, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Margit Stumpp, Green Party, Germany 

Mirosław Suchoń, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Iiris Suomela, Green Party, Finland 

Simona Suriano, M5S, Italy 

Senator Ana Surra, Republican Left of Catalonia, Spain 

Senator Santiago José Castellà Surribas, Socialist Party, Spain 

Tadeja Šuštar, Chair of the Slovenian Parliamentary Friendship Group with the State of Israel, New Slovenia - Christian Democrats, Slovenia 

Gabriela Suter, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Gunilla Svantorp, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Håkan Svenneling, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Left Party, Sweden 

Rt Hon Sir Desmond Swayne, Former International Development Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Lord Roger Swinfen, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Adam Szłapka, Civic Coalition, Poland 

Ján Szőllős, Ordinary People and Independent Personalities, Slovakia 

Senator Farida Tahar, Ecolo, Belgium 

Senator Sophie Taille-Polian, Socialist and Republican, France 

Marie Tamarelle-Verhaeghe, La République en Marche, France 

Sam Tarry, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Jessica Tatti, Die Linke, Germany 

Mathias Tegnér, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Lord Robin Teverson, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Alison Thewliss, SNP, United Kingdom 

Cécile Thibaut, Ecolo, Belgium 

Owen Thompson, SNP, United Kingdom 

Richard Thomson, SNP, United Kingdom 

Lars Thomsson, Centre Party, Sweden 

Jessica Thunander, Left Party, Sweden 

Rt Hon Stephen Timms, Former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Senator Jean-Claude Tissot, Socialist and Republican, France 

Senator Jean-Marc Todeschini, Socialist and Republican, France 

Patrizia Toia, S&D, European Parliament (Italy) 

Sylvie Tolmont, Socialists, France 

Michael Töngi, Green, Switzerland 

Lord Graham Tope, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Trine Torp, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Roberto Uriarte Torrealday, Unidas Podemos, Spain 

Senator Jean-Louis Tourenne, Socialist and Republican, France 

Alain Tourret, La République en Marche, France 

Marie Toussaint, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Lorentz Tovatt, Green Party, Sweden 

Emilia Töyrä, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Lord David Triesman, Former Foreign Office Minister, Non-affiliated, United Kingdom 

Jürgen Trittin, Green Party, Germany 

Robert Troy, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Vasiliki Tsouplaki, Left Party, Sweden 

Lord Christopher Tugendhat, Former Vice President of the European Commission, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Pauline Tully, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Erkki Tuomioja, Former Foreign Minister, Social Democratic Party, Finland 

Nicolas Turquois, Democratic Movement, France 

Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde, Conservative Party, Norway 

Rt Hon Lord Paul Tyler, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Baroness Pola Uddin, Non-affiliated, United Kingdom 

Massimo Ungaro, Italy Viva, Italy 

Ernest Urtasun, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Spain) 

Senator Julien Uyttendaele, PS, Belgium 

Jón Steindór Valdimarsson, Liberal Reform Party, Iceland 

Carl Valentin, Socialist People’s Party (SF), Denmark 

Boris Vallaud, Spokesperson of the Socialist Party, France 

Senator Orry Van de Wauwer, CD&V, Belgium 

Kirsten van den Hul, Spokesperson for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Labour Party, the Netherlands 

Senator Gaëtan Van Goidsenhoven, MR, Belgium 

Stefaan Van Hecke, Groen, Belgium 

Marco Van Hees, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Els Van Hoof, Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, CD&V, Belgium 

Bram van Ojik, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, GreenLeft, the Netherlands 

Vincent Van Quickenborne, Chair of Open Vld faction, Belgium 

Joris Vandenbroucke, sp.a, Belgium 

Anja Vanrobaeys, sp.a, Belgium 

João Vasconcelos, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal 

Hilde Vautmans, Renew Europe, European Parliament (Belgium) 

Rt Hon Valerie Vaz, Shadow Leader of the House, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Victoria Velasquez, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Rafael José Vélez, Socialist Party, Spain 

Kris Verduyckt, sp.a, Belgium 

Servais Verherstraeten, Chair of CD&V Faction, Belgium 

Senator Jean-Pierre Vial, The Republicans, France 

Michèle Victory, Socialists, France 

Senator Sara Vilà, Catalunya En Comú Podem, Spain 

Mai Villadsen, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark 

Nikolaj Villumsen, Vice-Chair of GUE/NGL Group, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Marianne Vind, S&D, European Parliament (Denmark) 

Maria Vindevoghel, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Daniel Vicente Viondi, Socialist Party, Spain 

Kathrin Vogler, Party Spokesperson on Peace Policy, Die Linke, Germany 

Alexandra Völker, Social Democratic Party, Sweden 

Senator Mei Li Vos, Labour Party, the Netherlands 

Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht, Die Linke, Germany 

David Wagner, The Left, Luxembourg 

Thomas Waitz, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (Austria) 

Ilona Szatmári Waldau, Left Party, Sweden 

Nicolas Walder, Green, Switzerland 

Senator Mark Wall, Labour Party, Ireland 

Rt. Hon. Lord Jim Wallace of Tankerness, Former Deputy First Minister of Scotland, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Lord William Wallace of Saltaire, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Mark Ward, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Senator Fintan Warfield, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Thierry Warmoes, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Rt Hon Lord Norman Warner, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Rt Hon Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Former Chairman of the Conservative Party and Former Foreign Office Minister, Conservative Party, United Kingdom 

Flavia Wasserfallen, Social Democratic Party, Switzerland 

Claudia Webbe, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Cédric Wermuth, Social Democratic Party of Switzerland, Switzerland 

Catherine West, Shadow Minister for Europe and Americas, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Åsa Westlund, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, Social Democratic Party, Swede 

Baroness Janet Whitaker, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Philippa Whitford, SNP, United Kingdom 

Mick Whitley, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Nadia Whittome, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Céline Widmer, Social Democratic Party of Switzerland, Switzerland 

Nicholas Wilkinson, Socialist Left Party, Norway 

Hywel Williams, Former Westminster Leader, Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales, United Kingdom 

Rt Revd Rt Hon Lord Rowan Williams of Oystermouth, Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Crossbench, United Kingdom 

Diarmuid Wilson, Fianna Fáil, Ireland 

Munira Wilson, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom 

Beth Winter, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Lord Stewart Wood of Anfield, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Hubert Wulfranc, Democratic and Republican Left group, France 

Violet-Anne Wynne, Sinn Féin, Ireland 

Salima Yenbou, Greens/EFA, European Parliament (France) 

Senator Ayse Yigit, PVDA-PTB, Belgium 

Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Renew Europe, European Parliament (France) 

Baroness Barbara Young of Old Scone, Labour Party, United Kingdom 

Johannes Yrttiaho, Left Alliance, Finland 

Senator Richard Yung, La République en Marche, France 

Cristina López Zamora, Socialist Party, Spain 

Adrian Zandberg, Lewica, Poland 

Diego Zardini, PD, Italy 

Marcelina Zawisza, Lewica, Poland 

Miroslav Žiak, Freedom and Solidarity, Slovakia 

Gerhard Zickenheiner, Green Party, Germany 

Susanne Zimmer, Independent, Denmark 

Sabine Zimmermann, Chairperson of the Committee on Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Die Linke, Germany 
